Developing the Habit of Writing

Writing regularly can be hard, especially with other life responsibilities. I’m a wife, mom and active member of my community among other roles, like I am sure you are many things as well. So, I don’t have to tell you that finding time to write is difficult but necessary. Instead, I’d like to share a little more about making writing a habit. Like brushing our teeth, we do it daily and many times feel incomplete when we’ve skipped that step for the day. Likewise, as writers, we should feel a bit uncomfortable on the days that go by when we haven’t written a word. Here are a few tips to help develop the habit of writing:

1.            Do it daily at the same time. Setting an alarm is helpful. Writing at the same time each day ensures that writing has a place in your life. Maybe it’s when you first wake up or the last thing at night. Choose a time that works and write something!

2.            Keep a log. A simple check or dot on the calendar will do. Make a notation of the completion of your writing each day. Kn

3.            Write the goal down. Somewhere you will see it as a reminder works best. Writing down the goal of writing every day and placing it somewhere you’ll see it (bathroom mirror, refrigerator, etc.). will allow you to face your goal multiple times in a day and internalize it. Your internalization will then lead to actualization.

4.            Set a specific goal. Think about what you want to accomplish through writing each day. Make it a specific goal. Some examples include:

a.       Writing nonstop and uninterrupted for a designated amount of time each day (increasing the increments over time, particularly if you’re experiencing difficulty staying focused).

b.       Competing a certain amount of information (i.e. one paragraph, one page, an entire chapter)

c.       Writing every day for a specific amount of days.

5.            Reward yourself.  As you reach milestones, reward yourself. Take the time to acknowledge your accomplishment. I do not recommend celebrating consistency by taking a day off from writing, especially if consistency has been the enemy of your writing habit.

6.            Be accountable. Find an accountability partner to share your goals with. Allow them to hold you responsible for incomplete progress and to celebrate your advancement.

7.            Choose your way. Write in a way that is most effective for you. Some people write in bed, others choose outdoor destinations. Some people draft in longhand while others approach their efforts on a computer. Find that way of writing that works for you and do it!

As you develop the habit of writing, remember your way may be different from other ways, and that is okay. If it works, write it out. If it doesn’t, write anyway.

5 Reasons to Start Writing

Sometimes you want to write, but getting started proves more difficult than you anticipated. One of the ways that I overcome the stagnation is to remind myself of the reasons why I should start writing right then and there. Five reasons to start writing include:

1.       Writing makes you a better writer. Becoming a better writer comes through practice. Choosing to write a few sentences or numerous pages regularly strengthens your writing ability.

2.       Writing helps you remember. Let’s face it, we forget things. Writing allows you to save important memories and recall lost ones.

3.       Writing lets you tell your story. I believe that if you don’t tell your own story, someone else will. Whether for personal healing or to entertain and ignite the imagination of others, Writing allows you to do that.

4.       Writing offers physical and emotional health benefits. Studies show that expressive writing impacts stress levels and improves mood. Writing to process traumatic and emotional events also leads to fewer physical illnesses.

5.       Writing builds your vocabulary. With stronger vocabularies, our communication is sharpened Having a broader vocabulary can also keep your audience interested in your message with appropriate word choice.

There are numerous reasons to start writing. Some are rooted in your ability to get better at your craft such as becoming a better writer and strengthening your vocabulary. Other reasons to write, like helping remember things and telling our stories, are deeply connected to being better versions of ourselves.

The Power of Brain Dumping

When you were learning to write, your teachers probably shared information on how to brainstorm. I know, because I used them when I was a teacher. I had my students draw a cloud in the middle of the paper for the topic and lightning bolts coming from the cloud for possible main ideas. The raindrops represented the additional subtopics and details. Clever right? I thought so too. 😊 But here’s the thing sometimes my students would get so caught up in drawing perfection that they’d miss the mark on their brainstorming. Now don’t get me wrong, I love a great graphic organizer as a writing tool. However, I have found much more freedom and flexibility in “brain dumping”. Maybe you’ve heard of it? Brain dumping is just that, dumping everything that is in your mind onto paper. It doesn’t have to be organized in a specific way. It doesn’t even have to make sense. The only rules – 1) dump it all, and 2) don’t stop until you feel empty (or until the timer goes off)! After you’ve dumped all of your ideas around a topic, you can begin to look for themes and connection points. Use the recurring themes and related content to craft your writing. Don’t trash the unused ideas. They may be fruitful in other efforts.

In short, brain dumping is powerful because:

1)      It is not just for writing. Brain dumping can be used to bring clarity in many areas of life (career, decision making, event planning, etc.).

2)      1 brain dump = many options. Brain dumping often yields inspiration for new efforts and next endeavors.

How have you embraced the power of brain dumping?